
Karaoke Project 1996-2000

Karaoke Project was a series of video portraits that allowed me to explore my own fascination with the way musical performance is visually depicted by mass media (i.e. variety shows, MTV, etc.). Between 1996-2000 I invited people to my studio to sing a karaoke song in front of the video camera, and together we decided how this recording would look.  The work includes well over a hundred videos, ranging from slick and rehearsed to the more informal and chaotic. Participants were asked to put their own “spin” on someone else’s song.

Karaoke Project at Threadwaxing Space, NYC 2000

Karaoke Project at OVNI (Observatori de Video No Identificat, Spain), 1997; The full program tape can be viewed online; it features performances by Maureen Jasper, Munmun O'neil & Haley Coupon, Justin Bond, and Denny Kendall.

The Karaoke Project: Big Scott and Buffalo, 1996-1999 from Maura Jasper on Vimeo.

The Karaoke Project: PS 95, 1996-1999 from Maura Jasper on Vimeo.

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